Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Direct Messages

Over the weekend we got a new feature in place -- the ability to send direct messages between users.  This would have been a great initial feature to fit in, but it wasn't as high priority as some other things.  Collaborating through public comments only gets you so far.  Being able to exchange messages back and forth can be really helpful in some cases.

Notice also, that developers can choose to produce an app dream (that is, sign on to develop it) by clicking the relevant link in the Actions pane to the right on app pages.  This results in the project owner getting a message.  The owner can then decide whether or not to add the requester as the producer.  Getting the project to this stage is a huge step toward seeing your app made real!

Let us know in the comments if you have any feedback on these or any other features of the site!

Friday, April 20, 2012


The other day I was interviewed for the CloudPlumbing series of developer conversations.  As the summary says, "Arian Kulp talks about AppDreamr, a place for non developers to brainstorm app ideas. Everybody has an idea (or two) for an app, Arian has built them a place to jumpstart the creative process."  I'm very passionate about making AppDreamr into a vibrant community of app dreamers.  Give it a listen and pass it along!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First post!

I decided to make an official AppDreamr blog instead of linking my personal blog from the main site.  I'll use this blog to mention new features and thoughts on how the site can work.  I also hope to start a dialog with AppDreamr users about how to make things better.

In the meantime, you can also use the UserVoice site to make suggestions or vote on ideas.  I'd love to see a thriving community of people who want great apps.  Let's see what we can do together!